Ate L turns 6
I was induce {induction of labor} exactly six years ago from today related to IUGR {Intrauterine growth retardation} and oligohydramnios {low amniotic fluid}. The medical terminology sounds very hifalutin where in laymans term it just basically means baby's not growing appropriately in size and my amniotic fluid is simply low --- but those issues imposed me and my baby to be at highrisk. Thus, the decision to induce labor and proceed with delivery. Nine hours after labor hub and I had our first born in the name of "El..".
You are loved and cared about more often than you probably can guess, and thoughts of you just naturally bring smiles of happiness to our faces. Now, that it's your birthday, may each and every warm thought, love and caring, bring a wish for all the best in your life, and all your favorite things.
Hope you will grow to be a good girl, God fearing, and full of respect young lady.
We love you so much Ate L!
From: Dad, Mom, and Baby M
We surprise Ate L at Disneyland for 2 days pre-birthday celebration --- her lifelong long dream.
Hope you will grow to be a good girl, God fearing, and full of respect young lady.
We love you so much Ate L!
From: Dad, Mom, and Baby M
We surprise Ate L at Disneyland for 2 days pre-birthday celebration --- her lifelong long dream.
oh my, six already? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR ELLA! :-)
I bet Cinds she was really happy.
Happy Birthday, Ella dear! Gamay nga dalaga! Hehehe...
happy birthday disney princess raphaelle!
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