I am Back
I need to get my life back...
Since I started working night shift, I've been cranky, my patience been short, and very moody. It's probably brought about {drum roll} ... Lack of Sleep. I am not a night person, after getting off working nights 12hr shift i normally will sleep 3-4hrs and I am done. Even if i tried to sulk myself under the soft egyptian cotton bed cover, or tried the lavender scented oil under my pillow, or get a warm bath --- nothing works.
Just last week, hubby and I enrolled back in a gym - 24HR Fitness. The last time we did it was before we had our Ate L, about almost 6 years ago. So, here are my progress.
Night 1 - slept for 5hrs
Night 2 - slept for 7hrs
Night 3 [off day] - slept for 5hrs and slept the rest of the night.
I am able to play and enjoy each day with the girls despite me working those nights and even in the work place i am productive {though it was really a crazy week, i feel like i am on a marathon from back to back deliveries}, I had the energy to beat it.
Something is working well here so far. I am hoping this will continue. Indeed exercise is a mood regulator.
I go to the gym not because i wanted to loose weight or be buffed up/sculpting every inch of my muscle {if i do, i won't complain}, I just want myself to be the same lively person as i was before working night shift... that's all.
"This life yields to the thoughts of your mind and the actions you take. The goal is to be so in tune with your essence, your intuition and your Heart that this connection becomes the driving force in your life. When you are connected to your essence you are connected to the energy of the greater whole and will be guided towards greatness. When you trust yourself and express with heartfelt conviction that which you really are you flip the script on whatever is lacking in your life and draw it to you automatically."
Mastin Kipp
Me too Cinds.. not at all a night person. I turn really mean when I lack sleep. Hope you get your dose of deep dreamless sleep.
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